(Carolina Faisca)
This page contains the trailer of my documentary film 'L Words' and my experimental film Over&Up.
L Words
“What do Lesbians look like on TV in 2020? Why does representation in media matter? How do queer women feel about this representation? Who is lesbian representation for in media?”
These are a few questions Carolina tries to answer through her research project on lesbianism and its importance in media, in a series of interviews with lesbian and bisexual women. This film was made as part of Carolina's final dissertation project.
Missed connections, reflective moments and the rhythm of life, all subjective to each and everyone’s perception. In a short experimental film, Carolina Faisca makes the viewer aware of mundane moments and prompts them to reflect about these- and how they might or might not be related to each other. This film was created for the LICA 359 Experimental Cinema class at Lancaster University.

Synopsis: “What do Lesbians look like on TV in 2020? Why does representation in media matter? How do queer women feel about this representation? Who is lesbian representation for in media?” These are a few questions Carolina tries to answer through her research project on lesbianism and its importance in media, in a series of interviews with lesbian and bisexual women.
Filmmaker statement: Curiosity and anger both led me to this research. I was tired of not seeing gay women accurately portrayed on screen, but it got me thinking- what is accurate for me might be inaccurate for other women. I saw in this an opportunity to give a voice to other women to voice their opinions on this subject, as well as to reflect on my own.