The Imp of The Perverse
(Jackie Bogg)
Have you ever had the urge to do something completely inappropriate?
This documentary is on the psychological phenomenon 'The Imp of The Perverse', based on Edgar Allen Poe's 1845 short story with the same name. Studies show that many of us experience this sudden and mysterious urge to do something bad in certain situations. Many have likened it to a 'pull to the darkness'; as though there is a foreign being in our minds sending us perverse thoughts- this being is what Poe refers to as the Imp of the Perverse. The phenomenon itself is largely undocumented due to its mysterious nature and it being difficult to survey, but current studies have shown that while many do experience these urges, we do not enact them. However, some urges can be so dark that it's easy for us to question our mental wellbeing, therefore the purpose of this documentary is to reassure people that it's an extremely common phenomenon and that these urges are not a reflection of your logical desires- rather, the opposite.